Longley Park 360 feedback

Longley Park Sixth Form College has never used such a tool before to help analyse and assess College Management team members in a wider context.

The College recognises that 2012/2013 would be the most appropriate time to trial this with the SMT level initially.    Evidence gathered from the recent Staff Attitude Survey indicates that attitudes and perceptions surrounding the leadership and management tier need to be focused on as:

Most staff who took part in the survey agreed with the statements regarding senior management. However a large proportion also disagreed with 32% disagreeing that SMT provides useful feedback, 32% disagreed that SMT understand individuals job roles and 32% of staff felt they were not clear on what SMT should be doing to lead and develop people.

With the ever increasing pressures from Ofsted and external bodies, more will be placed on the management tier to ensure that the College can progress through the challenging times ahead.  The College will need to be prepared to support the management team to develop their skill set to make this a smooth transition.  An external consultant will work alongside each ‘appraisee’ to address the overall feedback received from this process and how skills can be developed and address any areas for development.